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  •  What is logical view of data?
  •  Explain what are relation and their characteristics in detail?
  • What are keys? How it is useful to Controlled redundancy?
  • Explain integrity rules
  • Explain relation set operators
  • Explain joins in detail
  • What is data dictionary and System Catalog?
  • Explain relationship with relational database
  • What are indexes?
  • Explain the following
    • Single Valued Attribute
    • Multi Valued Attribute
    • Simple Attribute
    • Composite Attribute
    • Derived Attribute
  • What is connectivity and cardinality?
  • What is Existence Dependency?
  • Explain Weak Entity, ID-Dependent Entity
  • What is Composite Entities?
  • What two condition must be met before an entity can be classified as a weak entity? Give an example of a weak entity.
  • What is a strong relationship? And how it is depicted in a crow’s foot ERD?
  • What is recursive relationship? Give an example
  • What is composite Entity?
  • Discuss two ways in which the 1:M relationship between course and class can be implemented.
  • How would you identify each of the following ERM components in a Crow’s Foot Model?
    • An entity
    • The cardinality
    • A weak relationship
    • A strong relationship
  • Explain the difference between single-valued and simple attribute. Give an example
  • Draw ER Diagram for following problem


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