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BCA 102 PIC Question Bank

BCA 102 PIC Question Bank

1.     Explain Entry-controlled loop and Exit-controlled loop

2.     Differentiate: Higher level language and machine language

3.     Differentiate: procedural and non-procedural language

4.     Explain various operators in c

5.     Explain algorithm with example

6.     Draw a flowchart to print maximum number from given three numbers

7.     Justify: c is middle level language

8.     Rules for identifiers

9.     Explain C tokens

10. Is void main is user defined function? Explain

11. What is the use of UDF? Explain Function Prototyping

12. What is recursion? discuss with example

13. What is pre-processor in C.

14. Explain all types of operators in C.

15. Explain keywords available with C.

16. Explain different types of array with example

17. Explain flowchart

18. Explain data types with example

19. Conditional operators in C

20. Library Files

21. Explain role of compiler

22. Explain do…while loop with example

23. Write a note on Type casting

24. What is use of break and continue statement

25. A switch Expression can be of any type (T/F) Justify and Explain your answer

26. Write a note of Size of operator

27. List all bit-wise operator

28. Explain various symbol available with flow chart

29. Explain the meaning of the following term

a.      Int

b.     Static

c.     Main()

d.     Void

e.      Scanf()

f.       Numberic constant and string constant

g.     If else and swith case

30. Explain structure of C program

31. Explain importance of loops in C

32. What is the scope and lifetime of variable ?what is user-defined datatype?

33. Explain memory management with array with suitable program

34. What is string?how can we initialize the string?        Describe various string handling function using with c code.

35. Benefits of User Defined Function

36. Explain getchar() function with example

37. Explain printf() and scanf() with example
Explain storage class with example


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