- What is PHP? Explain
its PHP’s strengths
- Explain the
difference of client side scripting and server side scripting
- Explain the
difference of ECHO and PRINT function
- Explain the rules of
variables naming Conventions
- Explain any four PHP
date function with example
- Explain any four
string handling function with example
- Explain any two math
function with example
- Write detail note of
PHP operators
- Explain any two
conditional structure in PHP with example
- Write a note on Array
in PHP
- Explain any five
string function with example
- Explain lopping
structure with example
- Explain constant
- Write a note on user
define function in PHP
- Explain any four
array function with example
- Explain any five
file handling functions with example
- Explain any four
variable function with example
- Explain static and
global variables in PHP
Practical List
- Write the PHP script that prints the division table
of 1 to 10.
- Write the PHP script that prints the Multiplication
table of number 5.
- Write the PHP script that demonstrates the use of
Static Variable.
- Write the PHP script that demonstrates the use of
global Keyword.
- Write PHP script that find odd and even number for
- Write PHP script that Prints the Fibonacci series
for you.
- Write PHP script that demonstrates the string
handling Function.
- Write PHP Script that demonstrates the array in PHP.
- What is PHP? Explain its PHP’s strengths
- Explain the difference of client side scripting and server side scripting
- Explain the difference of ECHO and PRINT function
- Explain the rules of variables naming Conventions
- Explain any four PHP date function with example
- Explain any four string handling function with example
- Explain any two math function with example
- Write detail note of PHP operators
- Explain any two conditional structure in PHP with example
- Write a note on Array in PHP
- Explain any five string function with example
- Explain lopping structure with example
- Explain constant
- Write a note on user define function in PHP
- Explain any four array function with example
- Explain any five file handling functions with example
- Explain any four variable function with example
- Explain static and global variables in PHP
Practical List
- Write the PHP script that prints the division table of 1 to 10.
- Write the PHP script that prints the Multiplication table of number 5.
- Write the PHP script that demonstrates the use of Static Variable.
- Write the PHP script that demonstrates the use of global Keyword.
- Write PHP script that find odd and even number for you.
- Write PHP script that Prints the Fibonacci series for you.
- Write PHP script that demonstrates the string handling Function.
- Write PHP Script that demonstrates the array in PHP.
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