1. Explain object oriented programming concepts
2. Features of Java language(JAVA BUZZWORDS)
3. Type of Java program
4. Java Architecture
5. Explain Literals in Java
6. Explain Data types in Java
7. Explain Variable
8. Explain Structure of Java Program
9. Explain Type Conversion in Java
10. What is Block statement and what is scope?
11. Explain Operators in Java Program
12. Explain Control Statements in Java Program
13. Explain Break, Continue, Comma
14. Explain Array and Type of Array in JAVA
15. Explain what is Class? How can we define a Class?
16. Explain new operator and object in JAVA
17. Explain (.)dot operator in JAVA
18. Explain Constructor
19. Explain this keyword
20. Explain method Overloading
21. Explain Method Overriding
22. Explain Final keyword with class, Method, and Variable
23. Explain Garbage Collection in JAVA
24. Explain Recursion in JAVA
25. Explain Static method, Block and Variable
26. Explain Abstract Class
27. What is package? Benefits of Package?
28. Explain import statement
29. What are interfaces? Why we use interfaces? Explain with example
30. Explain Wrapper classes?
31. What is Exception? Explain Types of Exception
32. Explain the process to create user defined Exception
33. Explain Finally Block
34. Explain TRY CATCH statement
35. Explain Thread Life Cycle
36. Explain Multithreaded Programming
37. How can we create and manage a thread? Explain with example
38. Thread Synchronization
39. Explain Difference between applet and application? Explain life cycle of Applet
40. Differentiate Byte Stream and Character Stream
41. How to pass argument to the applet?
42. Differentiate swing and awt
43. Explain I/O Streams
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